NextLabs is a partnering technology vendor in the Transglobal Secure Collaboration Program (TSCP). TSCP is a collection of leading Aerospace and Defense (A&D) manufacturers and systems integrators, government agencies, and technology vendors. Their shared goal is to address challenges around secure collaboration in A&D. Specifically, the group works together to designate standards for an automated security infrastructure that would apply controls consistently to data as it is shared across organizations, countries, and even continents.

Why Implement a Standards-Based Solution

The A&D industry faces a delicate balancing act between the need to collaborate with global partners and the need to comply with data security requirements around Intellectual Property (IP) protection, global export compliance regulations, and national security. Manual security procedures, or discretionary procedures that rely too heavily on users knowing how to properly handle data can hinder collaboration and create significant data security risk. While automated controls are better, they present another set of challenges: specifically, they are domain and system-specific.

TSCP was formed because so many players in A&D recognized this gap. While security technologies and standards already exist around digital policy management, data labeling, access control, and rights management, the industry lacks integrated solutions that bring those technologies together. TSCP partners work to design a set of specifications and best practices that standardize security applications, and thus enable interoperability between standards-compliant Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) products.

ILH and Access Management

NextLabs plays an important role in two TSCP initiatives: the creation of the Information Labeling and Handling (ILH) specification, and the Access Management Special Interest Group (SIG). As a partnering technology vendor, NextLabs has also implemented ILHv.1 compliance in its Control Center product.

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